AMSSA creates learning resources based on multiple topics to support agencies in the settlement and integration, as well as the diversity and inclusion sectors.

5 Mar
Organizational Approaches to Anti-Racism: From Self to Systems Change
ANTI-RACISM WEBINAR: REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION As a sector that serves many vulnerable and racialized populations and is also mainly comprised of racialized frontline workers, anti-racism LEARN MORE >>28 Feb
Human Resources Capacity Roundtable – Moving from Management to Leadership
Many settlement service providers find themselves concentrating on the delivery of services while meeting multiple output and deliverable targets. To ensure that service quality is LEARN MORE >>26 Feb
Fundamentals of Change Management for the B.C. Settlement Sector
AMSSA would like to invite you to register for our upcoming webinar on the fundamentals of change management! This webinar will go over key principles LEARN MORE >>Membership
AMSSA member agencies provide services that support newcomers and build culturally inclusive communities. Our members provide a wide range of services ranging from language to employment to counselling.