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Classroom Resources
Instructional Resource: Literacy Curriculum Guidelines, Modules and Materials – Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
This 2019, PBLA-aligned literacy curriculum combines literacy skill descriptors from ISANS’ previous literacy curriculum with the new ESL for ALL (2016).
Instructional Resource: Making it Real: Teaching Pre-literate Adult Refugee Students, Tacoma Community House
This instructional resource designed for ESL literacy refugee students contains approaches to teaching, activity ideas for all four skills, strategies for managing multi-level classes and more.
Instructional Resource: Financial ESL Literacy, ESL Literacy Network
This instructional resource designed for ESL literacy students contains lessons focused on building financial literacy through language and numeracy skills.
Instructional Resource: ESL Literacy Readers, Bow Valley College
This instructional resource contains a selection of theme-based readers along with an instructors guide that will support ESL literacy instructors to create comprehensive, theme-based lessons for adult ESL literacy learners
Instructional Resource: The ABCs of Practical Literacy, Bow Valley College
This instructional resource includes literacy activities to help students increase their economic, employment, and personal management skills.
Instructional Resource: Learning for LIFE: An ESL Literacy Handbook, Bow Valley College
This handbook outlines program considerations, strategies for the classroom and four different levels of ESL literacy. The handbook also includes a toolbox of materials and ideas for teaching, a literature review of the field of ESL literacy, and an annotated bibliography of relevant sources in the field.
Instructional Resource: Best of the Reader, The Westcoast Reader
This website houses a series of e-books for adult literacy and English as an additional language learners. This site has 14 e-books, a teachers’ guide, and a calendar of special days and holidays for 2016.
Instructional Resource: Employment Training for Low Literacy Immigrant Women, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
This manual contains lesson plans and resources that enable practical learning required for workplace success of immigrant women with limited education and language skills.
Instructional Resource: Knowing Your Literacy Students, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
This manual includes curriculum guidelines, lesson plans and activities organized into units based on themes like families, home, using public transportation and making an appointment.
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