Date: February 22, 2012
Location: SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver
This e-symposium for WelcomeBC settlement service providers explored how to access the wealth of federal and provincial online information, as well as how to apply this information in immigrant settlement, such as for planning, proposal writing and/or research. AMSSA gratefully acknowledges the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia for their support of this event. AMSSA would also like to thank the presenters for sharing their time and knowledge.
Welcome and Introductions. Tim Welsh, Program Director, AMSSA
Video 1
Statistics Canada Data on Immigration and Ethno-Cultural Diversity. Peter Liang, Communications Manager, StatsCan & Ashok Mathur, Communications Officer, StatsCan
Peter Liang, Communications Manager, and Ashok Mathur, Communications Officer, with Statistics Canada Western Region and Northern Territories provided an overview of Statistics Canada data on immigration and diversity available to service providers.
Video 2
An Introduction to Immigration and Labour Market Data for BC. Kerry Young, Director Labour Market Forecasting and Analysis, Labour Market Programs Branch, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation
Kerry Young, Director, Labour Market Forecasting and Analysis, Labour Market Programs Branch, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, provided an overview of the different data products offered through the WorkBC and WelcomeBC websites.
Video 3
Question and Answer Session. All
Video 4