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Information Resources
Resource Manual: Integrating Digital Literacy into English Language Instruction, Literacy Information and Communication System
This resource manual contains examples of strategies, tools, and lesson ideas that support the development of digital literacy skills within the context of English language instruction. There are various links to websites, toolkits, videos, audio files, and lesson plans that serve to demonstrate how to integrate digital literacy into instruction and prepare learners for real-world applications.
Resource Page: Computer Skills and Website Resources for ESL Literacy Learners, ESL Literacy Network
This resource is designed to help teachers to incorporate computer literacy development into their instruction. It includes a list of specific computer skills that support reading and writing skills at various Canadian Language Literacy Benchmark phases to assist instructors with determining phase level appropriate computer literacy activities and understanding how computer literacy supports the development of reading and writing skills.
Journal Article: Integrating Computer Skills into Low Level ESL, Texas Centre for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning
This article details how to start integrating technology into classes for lower level ESL students.
Webinar: Online with Low levels, Tutela
This webinar illustrates how computer literacy and activities can be successfully integrated into teaching plans for low level English language learners.
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