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Classroom Resources
Instructional Resource: Working Faster, Working Safer Workbook – Alberta Workforce Essential Skills
This 2019 workbook for CLB 1-2 supports intercultural communication and workplace essential skills development in newcomers seeking employment in hospitality industry. Videos accompany the workbook at the following weblink.
Instructional Resource: In the Workplace: An Intermediate Integrated Skills Textbook, Bow Valley College
This textbook helps English language students at CLB 5 & 6 learn about aspects of Canadian workplace culture and develop important essential skills.
Instructional Resource: Building Resilient Workers: Health and Safety at Work, Decoda Literacy Solutions
For this instructional resources, Decoda took content from the BCFED Health & Safety Centre’s Developing Communication and Health and Safety Skills Using English as a Second Language program and viewed it through a literacy lens. The workbook has a number of BC-specific health and safety topics for students to work through.
Instructional Resource: Workplace Safety and Health in Basic Language, Manitoba Immigrant Integration Program
This instructional resource is a collection of safety and health resources for students at CLB 1 – 3. The lessons and materials are interactive and visual, making it easier to address these important issues with lower levels.
Instructional Resource: Essential Skills Classroom Activities, Tutela
This website houses over one hundred activities created by ESL Literacy and Stage 1 instructors, with essential Skills embedded within each lesson plan.
Instructional Resource: Gaining Access: New Employee Orientation for Newcomers to the Workplace, Norquest College
This instructional resource page contains lesson plans and classroom materials with the goal of educating ESL students on general safety for the workplace.
Instructional Resource: Learn the Workplace: Canadian Culture at Work, Centre for Education and Work
These online resources help foreign-trained workers prepare for the expectations of Canadian workplaces. This series of e-learning resources will allow immigrant workers to prepare for the subtle and implicit expectations of communication, working in teams, management and supervisory approaches, management structures and their impact on reporting and communication styles, learning skills, and social interactions in the Canadian workplace.
Instructional Resource: “Planning to work in British Columbia, Canada?” An essential workbook for newcomers, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada
This instructional resource can be used as a guide for students to find settlement services and information about living and working in BC. The workbook focuses on using internet resources to find information relevant to individual students and their needs.
Instructional Resource: Essential Skills Diagnostic Checklists, Centre for the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CCLB)
This instructional resource is for ESL teachers who want help diagnosing the Essential Skills needs of their language learners and who want task descriptors that can be used to incorporate Essential Skills into ESL classroom activities. It is designed for use with learners in the CLB 1 – 7 range and covers four communication skills.
Resource Manual: Steps to Employment, OASIS
These instructional resources include workbooks for participants, notes for instructors, and an implementation guide. 17 occupation specific manuals provide knowledge and career exploration while also presenting the materials with an ESL focus. This material is useful when teaching individuals entering particular employment fields, such as sales, engineering, health care, construction, automotive services trades, and more.
Resource Manual: Educational Curriculum Employment Training for Low Literacy Immigrant Women, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)
This manual contains lesson plans and resources that enable practical learning required for workplace success of immigrant women with limited education and language skills.
Resource Manual: Common Ground: Guide to English in the Workplace, Norquest College
This guide focuses on language skills that are used in every workplace. The lesson plans and classroom activities focus on key concepts such as participating effectively at the worksite, making decisions and solving problems.
Resource Page: Career Planning for Low Literacy Adults, Alberta Learning Information Service
This resource page has career planning resources for literacy adults: Work and You Book 1: Make Some Job Choices; Work and You Book 2: Decide on a Job. Book 1 and Book 2 provide a simplified career planning process in two consecutive workbooks for adults at a Grade 2 to 3 reading level.
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