AMSSA Resources
Resource Page: Newcomer Seniors Multilingual Resources, AMSSA
This webpage contains information about newcomers who immigrated to our province in their senior years to help them access community health services in their first languages.
Video: Supportive Services for Immigrant Older Adults, AMSSA
This informational video discusses demographics, issues, and practical advice for integrating senior-friendly topics and activities into settlement and language programming.
Information Resources
Resource Page: How to maximise the language learning of senior learners, British Council
This article describes best practices in teaching older adults English.
Research: Teaching English to Senior Citizens, US-China Education Review
This recent research study examines the development and implementation of a beginner ESL course designed specifically for senior citizens.
Resource Page: Seniors, Settlement at Work
This resources page lists information such as statistics, terminology, and additional resources for information about best practices in teaching students who are senior citizens.
Classroom Resources
Instructional Resource: Proud Women: A Collection of Stories, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
This instructional resource contains stories of to encourage inter-generational communication and understanding between immigrant youth and seniors.
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