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Information Resources
Guide: A Principles-based Approach to Supporting LINC Learners, AMSSA
Through a holistic lens, this professional development tool supports LINC instructors and managers serving newcomers with diverse backgrounds, identities, assets and complex needs. PBLA Practice Guidelines are considered and clickable links to tools and resources are embedded.
Resource Manual: Learning for LIFE: An ESL Literacy Curriculum Framework – Portfolio Planning and Implementation, Bow Valley College
This portfolio planning and implementation tool is designed for instructors and is based on the principles outlined in Stage 4: Integrate Assessment of the ESL Literacy Curriculum Framework.
Journal Article: PBLA: Moving Toward Sustainability, TESL Canada Journal
This paper describes the PBLA initiative in relation to the research that informs it and outlines the approach that is being used to introduce PBLA into adult ESL programs. The article introduces a model of sustainability proposed by researchers who have led Assessment for Learning initiatives internationally. Key learning from these initiatives points to implications for PBLA and suggests directions for PBLA moving forward.
Moodle Training: Classroom Assessment Toolkit, LISTN
This online training course helps instructors learn more about assessment in the ESL classroom and how to use the Classroom Assessment Toolkit.
Resource Manual: CCLB Guide to PBLA, Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks
This guide contains information to assist instructors and administrators in implementing PBLA effectively. The guide provides an overview of the theoretical foundations, principles, and assessment strategies that are fundamental to PBLA.
Resource Page: Giving Meaningful Feedback on Formative Tasks for Portfolios, Tutela
This Tutela resource page hosts a number of tools and exemplars to aid instructors in using formative feedback for students portfolios as a practical way to address student needs and goals.
Webinar: Reflections on PBLA – Tips and Tricks, Tutela
This webinar presents an instructor’s experience with using PBLA in her LINC 3 class for 18 months. The webinar covers her strategies for setting goals, expectations, and classroom routines. She also discusses how she handled continuous student intake, assessments, and challenges.
Webinar: Portfolio Based Language Assessment: Making a Difference for Students, Tutela
This webinar, offered by three PBLA Regional Coaches working on the national implementation project, helps instructors examine and deepen their understanding of assessment practices.
Webinar: Multilevel PBLA Assessments: CLB 1-4, Tutela
This webinar focuses on the creation of PBLA assessments designed for use in Stage I classes. Participants collaboratively adapt several real-world assessment tasks. All four language skills are addressed.
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